Proof of insurance is that little card given to you by your insurance carrier that shows you indeed have insurance on your vehicle. When you owe money to a car insurance company and it is not paid you can hurt your credit rating. Our Recommendations For Auto Insurance Does car insurance give you credit?Ĭar insurance does not help you build credit or improve your credit rating since the premium payments are not considered by the credit reporting agencies to be debt. If you're buying a car from a private seller, most won't ask to see your car insurance details, but you will still need insurance on that car to legally drive it.
Whether your car is new or used, you'll need to provide proof of insurance to the dealership before legally being able to drive it home. Get Free Car Insurance Quotes > Does your car need insurance? Typically there are only three ways to get a copy of your insurance card, through an agent, using the Internet or by the substituting an existing card already in use.
› Fillable auto insurance identification cardįrequently Asked Questions How do you get a copy of your insurance card?.